Did you know that champagne was discovered by accident?
French Monk Dom Pérignon was trying to make wine. He created this bubbly elixir by breaking away from the regular process of fermenting wine only once. What is now deemed a delicacy by many came to be when he fermented the wine a second time. After his first taste he said,
“Come quickly, I am tasting the stars!”
I’m certain that this is only one of many stories where something remarkable came about in an unintended way. If I had to guess what these innovators had in common, I would say that they weren’t afraid to take risks and make mistakes.
Why is it then that we expend so much energy trying to avoid failure?
I’m sure that many people thought I was making a huge mistake when I decided to quit my job fifteen years ago. I didn’t have any money saved or any other jobs lined up. When I broke the news to my boss, he pointed to his brain and said, “We can’t afford to lose what you have up here. What if we double your salary?”
At the time I was working on my first book. The more time I spent away from that passion project, the more I felt like I was betraying my own soul. I refused his offer.
“Well can you consult for us? We’ll pay you $600 a day, you get to travel, make your own schedule, and you can choose which work you want to take on.”
It was in that moment that my business was born. My last job became my first client and has been my most consistent and rewarding client to this day. My continued work with them led to other clients and skills that continue to help me grow personally and professionally.
“Leap and the net will appear.” – John Burroughs
If Beyoncé lost Star Search, Michael Jordan didn’t make his high school varsity team, and Oprah got fired from her first job because they didn’t think she was fit for television, what in the world makes you think you have to get it perfect on the first try?
Grant yourself the gift of a second chance.
This week I challenge you to give yourself grace my friends. Your biggest mistake may very well lead to your greatest masterpiece.
Manifestation Affirmations
I am worthy of my own forgiveness
I am courageous
I am turning my mistakes into masterpieces
Master Your Mind + Master Your Body + Master Your Money = Manifest a Life You Love
Most Sincerely,
Monica Marie Jones Your Soul Journey Guide www.MonicaMarieJones.com